Avant Garden productions

‘Avant garden productions’ (AGP) is Maxim S. Calda’s personal production label responsible for the video and total additional production, organisation, promotion and marketing of all his solo work. It’s officially founded around 2014 when Maxim started to begin experimenting more and more with video and animation. These activities combined with all the former additional music production of the several projects eventually turned into ‘Avant Garden productions’.

‘AGP’ is an independent non-profitable production label based on DIY (Do It Yourself) in order to stimulate and spread creativity. That’s why Avant Garden productions works with ‘Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike’ ‘Creative Commons licenses, which means everyone can download and share the works for free and other artists can adapt the work if you give appropriate credit. For commercial use we naturally want a share the works for free and other artists can adapt the work if you give appropriate credit. For commercial use we naturally want a share ofcourse.